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This month, we are thrilled to present an intense, captivating and thought-provoking read that promises to engage your mind and keep you riveted.  This must read selection was written by a long time friend to ITR founders, Kenny and RT.  He’s had a presence in their lives for nearly 40 years and today is closer than ever. We recently caught up with him, author Stephen W. Ringer, to share some of his perspective and inspiration for creating our December Book of the Month selection.  Enjoy!

My book, “Rebirth-The Story of an Unlikely Survivor”, began to take form as a memoir to my four daughters. They had grown up hearing me recount the many experiences I had in the drug culture as a user, then a dealer and smuggler.  My dive into addiction was never a secret in my home as both my wife and I were recovering long before we had our first child.

When I became a substance abuse counselor,  I used some of my history to help my clients know that I am one of them. I was constantly hearing the refrain “Ringer, you should write a book!” , and so I did. I wrote my memoirs for my daughters so that they might have the full story from experimental drug use to full blown addiction and how I managed to live when so many around me had died or were in prison.

One night a client, who was an editor, heard me share a story and then mention that I had written the memoirs. She asked to read the manuscript so I reluctantly agreed. The following Monday she returned and told me that I needed to consider publishing as she stated, “I could not put it down, what a life!”  Four years later, with many re-writes and having to change most of the names, it became a book.

It was not a wholly enjoyable experience having to relive some of the things I had done and the effects that my choices and behaviors had on others. Certainly being imprisoned on a hold by Interpol in Munich Germany for 30 days was a low point. I had no contact with anyone and no idea of when I might be released.

My disease continued to progress until I sought help from others in recovery. There were many times when I sat crying at the keyboard wondering if what I have been doing in my life, in recovery, has been enough to balance the damage I caused so many.

Today my work is to help addicts/alcoholics find recovery and hopefully begin a new way of life, beyond their wildest dreams. I hope you enjoy the journey as you follow my life from childhood to recovery. “Rebirth-The Story of an Unlikely Survivor” is truly a testament to a higher power or I would surely have died.

Stephen W. Ringer

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