comin to terms with alcoholism unlocked an opportunity for me to explicitly look at the direction my life had been headed. bein sober for a very short time, durin the first 2 ½ years of my recovery, had me answerin many questions i had pridefully neglected to look at while out doin my dirt. i could rationalize, justify, and explain away why shit happened with a blind eye to reasons they truly happened. however, recovery had me facin these life experiences with shamed retrospect. hadnt i been tryin to do it with my HP, sponsor, and other trusted friends in recovery, i couldve NEVER dug into my psyche. havin listened to others tell their personal experience with their alcoholism, i was faced with the hard core realities i was not an exception to the delusion i was different. reality said i was no different than those in the rooms tellin their accounts of experience with alcohol and their alcoholism. someone who may not be an alcoholic may not understand their experience and think it pure lunacy and insanity. well, truth be told, i related and could identify the areas in my life where i too, was one of the like. 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...