healthy personal action changes things for me! there are few in my life outside of recovery who would ever get, or understand, how destructive obsessions can influence my behavior, action, or thinkin. this mornin at my HG meetin another and i were speakin of how honestly spillin my emotions to another keeps me comin back. it is a reality for me, without this fearless ability to openly share with another, i have no chance of managin my alcoholism. it comes to the freedom of unity and the willingness to go beyond myself, steppin away from my basic alcoholic obsession of, ‘keep this shit to myself so aint anybody got an edge on me’. with the grace of God i get to expel, spillin out of me, the pernicious and injurious selfish manias, to others who are exactly like me. who else could possibly understand? 1 day @ a time...
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...