its true that while spiritual principles can offer profound guidance, their effectiveness hinges on my willingness to actively apply them in my life, which can often challenge my deeply ingrained beliefs and self-will. while some of these straightforward concepts may appear simple in writin, as noted in the big book, they can be quite severe and difficult to translate into positive actions. this requires me to confront every aspect of self-will i have ever embraced. embracin open-mindedness and honesty is essential for makin meaningful changes, and observin their positive impact in others serves as a powerful motivation; these principles can also be transformative in my own life. as i must confront my limitations, recognizin that growth is a holistic process helps me cultivate resilience and authenticity in my journey, allowin me to break old patterns and pave the way for transformative growth when problem solvin. 1 day @ a time…
corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...