Winston-Salem Comprehensive Treatment Center

1617 S Hawthorne Rd, Winston-Salem, NC, 27103


Winston-Salem Comprehensive Treatment Center (CTC) is a leading provider of opioid addiction treatment for adults age 18 and older. Located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, our treatment center offers medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which combines counseling with the use of prescription medication to treat opioid addiction. Patients who come to our CTC may receive a prescription for methadone or buprenorphine. Both medications have been approved by the FDA and are prescribed based on a person’s specific needs and the state of their health. In addition to the medicinal aspect of treatment, patients at our treatment center can also engage in individual and group therapy, which is not something all methadone clinics provide. These sessions allow for time for patients to process experiences and gain an understanding of the behavioral changes they need to make to achieve sobriety. They also promote the importance of building healthy relationships and developing a supportive community, which can be extremely beneficial throughout the recovery process.


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