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Everyone, at some point in our lives, experiences stressful situations that can lead us to depression and/or anxiety. Most of the time we can bounce back after low points. However, not always and many of us consider going to therapy to help. But How do you know if Therapy is Necessary?

It’s important to remember that reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness, but a significant step towards wellness. Often, making the decision to see a therapist sooner rather than later lessens the chances of low points becoming unmanageable.

But how do you know if you need to see a therapist?

Trouble regulating your emotions

It’s normal to feel sad, anxious or angry at times. However, feeling these emotions intensely and being unable to control or self-soothe may be a sign you need help.

Your sleep and appetite have changed

Too much or too little sleep can be a sign that you are off-kilter. The same applies to your eating habits. If you have experienced a disruption in your usual eating and sleeping patterns it may be time to assess the situation.

You aren’t performing as effectively at work or school.

You may find that your concentration and motivation for your usual work and routine have dropped considerably. Due to chemical imbalance retaining information and remembering can be disrupted.

You’re struggling to build and maintain relationships.

Becoming withdrawn from those we love without even realising is a common reaction to a depressive or anxious period. Many people experiencing emotional and mental decline report that their relationships have become strained.

You’ve experienced trauma.

We have all experienced trauma at some point in our lives. Some traumatic experiences can appear more extreme than others, however, it’s about how the individual deals with the trauma that matters. Suppressed trauma can not only influence each stage of our lives but can also determine the quality of our physical health.

You’re grieving.

Loss of any kind can produce a grief response. There are many stages of grief and they can appear long after the initial loss. We may become confused about what is happening to us and therapy can help pinpoint areas of our lives that we may be grieving over.

Your physical health has taken a hit.

Dealing with ill health can be utterly devastating. Many people with chronic long-term illness are never offered any kind of therapy to help them deal with life changing health issues. One example is a child who develops type 1 diabetes who has to endure injections and constant maintenance of this condition for life.

You want to improve yourself but don’t know where to start.

Making changes can be a very difficult issue for some people. It’s not always as easy to decide what changes you need to make to improve your quality of life and talking it out can really benefit the individual.

Addiction or misuse of chemicals or behaviours.

Addiction and self-harming behaviours are rampant in all areas of society and often are a socially acceptable way of dealing with any internal trauma or dis-ease we may be experiencing. Therapy can help us find better ways to deal with our difficulties.

Whatever you decide is the best course of action for you, know that there are always options and choices. The choice to seek help can be hard, but there are people willing and available to help. Good luck with your journey.




  1. Juan Carlos Jiménez González Reply

    I need help to save my life from drug addiction. I can’t anymore Help me please I want to see my family happy.

  2. I have been addicted to heroin and cocaine for a long time I’m on methadone but I still get heroin even though I don’t get high I mix cocaine and heroin together I spend all my money even though I say I won’t I always end up doing it I don’t understand

  3. You know I’ve been an addict and prostitute since I was 11, as the years go by I just want more. I totally know I’m insane. The definition of insanity IS DOING THE SAME THING DAY IN AND DAY OUT AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS.

  4. Anetra M Bullard Reply

    I need counseling in regards to the mess my life is and has been for as long as I can remember. I’ve started getting mental health help at Meredian, I believe I’m properly medicated…but I need a personal counselor. I’d feel more comfortable speaking with someone who is unbiased in my situation. I need serious help. I have thoughts of ending my life. I’m just sick of the daily struggle. I don’t believe I will do anything to myself but i do suffer from ptsd/mania/bi-polar and anxiety, so you know as well as I do one little thing could trigger me to act out. I’d appreciate the help.

  5. I don’t know what I need& I don’t think there is anymore Hope for me I truly and that is so sad at times I wish I was in heaven with my mom&Dad cause here is suffering&Pain I’m so done with feeling so depressed& not valued or Loved by my kids they are embarrassed of me and ashamed of me

  6. Bradford R Reply

    It has the power to completely take over some ones life and at the time it seems impossible to push it away but I still say this is the last time,! I now see why most people reach rock bottom because that’s where it takes you if you dont fight it. When I say fight I don’t mean push it away, I mean be always on guard because it finds its way back to you if you let it…I hope I have the strength before that bottom comes.

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