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Addiction awareness 5K events spread support for addiction recovery with the help of dozens of communities.

5,000 meters (or 3.1 miles) doesn’t seem like much. Until you’re running one, when you’ll eventually have to force every new step from your tiring legs. Is that hard-fought feeling what connects 5k events to addiction awareness?

Well, that, and the fact that many organizations happily host 5k events to tell the stories of those in addiction recovery. They happen often in the United States. Here are some things you should know.

What are Addiction Awareness 5k Runs?

First off, they’re slightly misnamed, because you don’t have to run if you attend one (some events bill themselves as “Run and Walks”).

Addiction awareness 5K runs are one way that addiction treatment and advocacy groups grab the public’s attention. This attention is crucial: when most people don’t understand addiction recovery or stigmatize it, spreading the true narrative for everyone to learn matters.

A large group of people running through a blocked-off city street attracts attention. So do speakers who recount their recovery testimonies, explain new addiction recovery treatments, or voice support for everyone in addiction recovery each day. At a 5K, you’ll find all sorts of events and all sorts of people, but the aim – putting true addiction recovery where everyone can see it – stays the same.

They’re key events because they present recovery testimonies and strategies to the public. And recovery needs to first become visible if it’ll ever be understood.

Where Can I Find Them?

That depends on where you live and on the time of year. The holiday season lends itself to “turkey runs,” which some recovery organizations adapt to spread addiction awareness just as everyone is counting their blessings for Thanksgiving. Here are a few examples of addiction awareness 5K events:

1. Shatterproof Rise Up Against Addiction 5K Walk/Run

This series of 2019 5K events joined together anyone interested in spreading support for those in addiction recovery, in cities from Los Angeles to New York. The 2019 schedule just finished on November 16, 2019.

2. Run for Recovery – Carolina Recovery Community

This addiction awareness 5K event called for anyone and everyone to join the race on October 5, 2019. They began just outside the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, and the event was just one of a few runs across the state.

3. Recovery Month Nationwide 5K Events

Every September, the Dept. of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services organizes National Recovery Month to spread awareness of and support for all those in addiction recovery. Here’s just one instance of an addiction awareness 5K event, and if you poke around, you’ll see that these events happened all across the U.S. last September.

What Now?

See if you can find an addiction awareness 5K event near you. As we said, the holiday season is usually a good time for it. Register to attend, where you can run (or walk at a turkey’s pace) in support of those in addiction recovery. Your show of solidarity might just encourage more people than you know.

And if you’d like to learn more about addiction recovery, come to In The Rooms and stay awhile. We offer free online recovery meetings and educational content to anyone who needs it. See what we can do for you today!

Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU from Pexels

1 Comment

  1. Hi, I’m Shelby. I am a recovering addict. I have been set free from drugs for 19 months. I am very interested in these meetings. I currently live in Cleveland, TN. I was concerned if they were located near me. Please send me an email with the information, thanks. 😊

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