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There were times in my life when I have been an absolute “control freak.”

I had to be in control of everything my emotions, beliefs, behavior patterns, what I thought I wanted and needed, what others thought about me, and how they behaved how spiritual I was or wasn’t being.

It was exhausting and I made myself FRIGGIN’ CRAZY!

The more I tried to control people, places, conditions, and outcomes, the more desperate and afraid I became, and instead of getting my way, I actually blocked the very results I wanted because I was in the way of my soul’s guidance and divine gifts.

Many of us are “addicted” to being in control. The thought of releasing control is absolutely terrifying, and sometimes downright insulting to someone who has a deep-seated need to control everything – especially those of us who may have had some success with being in “control” by badgering, threatening or manipulating others in order to get our own way. You may have temporarily gotten your way, but what did it cost you, and how long did your way last?

Or by people pleasing, i.e., saying “yes,” when you really mean no, and not speaking up for yourself, you seem to ward off someone’s judgment of you or unwanted consequences. That’s another way in which we use “control,” but what seems like a “win” is only temporary and causes deep emotional harm.

When we are addicted to control, we repel and block the very thing that we want.  There’s no “winning” in trying to make something happen versus “allowing” that which we desire to happen in the perfect timing, in the perfect way and through the perfect channels.

Are you ready to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY?

Join me LIVE on Wednesday night’s “Soul Recovery – Restoring Your Forgotten Potential”  at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central, and 6 PM Pacific at www.intherooms.com to discuss this very topic “How to Release Control And Still Win Big” (bigger than your limited sense of control could ever imagine).

Join this free class by simply going to www.intherooms.com or click on the link below to enter. Just so you know, you will need to join the site to have access, but it’s a free and respectful community.

See you tomorrow. Can’t Wait!

Ester Nicholson

Founder and author of Soul Recovery

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