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askin for help can sometimes be tough for me to do. i want to try to figure things out for myself. truly, though i was able to figure some things out for myself, there came a time when i could no longer. i needed help, especially when it came to my alcoholism. recovery helped me to form a relationship with God and gave me a guide for keepin that avenue open at all times. when i need to go deep within and root out why i may feel upset or when i cant find an answer to a specific problem, i can always stop and give whatever it is, to Him. i dont know everything and as much as i wish i did, i do not. figurin out the how and the why i may be upset, then givin it up to God, helps me to live a healthy balanced lifestyle. that idea alone is what has saved me from an untimely alcoholic death. by merely openin up to a change in behavior and thinkin i can let go of troubles and move forward with life while patiently waitin for the answers to come from my HP. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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