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Greetings to the world of ITR !!!! I am new here wanna learn my way around, Excited this platform has blog options, being I love to write thinking about posting blogs more often but seeing what others post about and blog. I used to love blogging beauty tips being I am a licensed cosmetologist, but I came to ITR For group support of ACA, I am a published author when I lost my dad to suicide 16 years ago I wrote a whole book about it and became super passionate about suicide awareness and mental health, started therapy in regards to my traumatic grief to discover I had a whole lot more wrong that I needed therapy for, its been quite a journey discovering me, and trying to heal my most deeply wounded parts of me, and my past, but I am proud to say I have really threw myself into my healing completely and engulfed my self in whatever is recommended and all it takes to be completely FREE OF ME, Still learning how to do so, came really far though, I Am not where I use to be, but still not where I need to be .... so it is quite an ongoing process. WARNING I Can be grammatically challenged so don't come for me and my typos or grammatically incorrect writing. I KNOW! As long as you understand what I have the intention of getting across that is all that matters. TILL Next time--- The Broken Vessel in process of repair

Mom to 3 girls and a stepson, GMa to 2 grandsons, and am a published author, licensed cosmetologist by trade , however currently working in pharmacy client support (IT Support for Pharmacies).

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