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i need to strive to be better than yesterday. it is why i made the decision to change my life so many years ago; the way i WAS livin it DID NOT work. i was done settlin for second best when i felt within i was worth more than my alcoholism had driven me to believe i was. i need not ever become complacent in doin this life change. when i use the positive life changin lessons this thing we do teaches, i get to work toward managin a better lifestyle that includes a balanced and healthy life; ive accomplished more than i ever could have while out doin my dirt. as long as i keep a focus that He is in charge i have a better chance of strivin to make my life changes fer the better. my self-will can be extraordinarily strong at times. such so that i may try to impose my will upon others. i am not always aware that i am even doin it most of the time. even though i am aware of this capability to impose my self-will it can be hard to stop doin it. this is where i need the fellowship of others who know me best to help point out the ways i am behavin or reactin. this at times makes me feel as if i am bein attacked at a personal level. i need to always remember that all things i think of are not the best idea; my motives must be looked at and processed to make sure i am actually doin the next right thing. i need the good of others, and close contact with them, as well as this thing we do, to help keep me in check. even though i may feel at times it is an attack it is most generally the good, love, forgiveness, and guidance of my HP bein given to me from others around me. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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