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I apologize, because I forget myself sometimes and try to make long profound statements to impress. I want to share something simple that anyone can benefit from. The most effective recovery is one that includes daily practices. If you keep experiencing same issues that you are working on, problems in relationships, with substances, with money... have faith, have resolve and commit yourself to three daily things. 1). Look at the things that are harming you, become willing to let them go, ask to have them removed - it will help you become honest 2). Ask for guidance from the Universe, God or Nothing - it will help you remain teachable and reduce the desire to obsess 3). Express gratitude for everything, until you really feel it If you can do this in prayer, it is powerful. If you can do it with tears, it is more powerful still. These three daily rituals qualify as a basic spiritual maintenance routine and will eventually help you break any addiction or negative pattern in your life. Practice those things, until you cannot live without them and then you will be in a constant pattern of personal improvement, even when it feels like things are getting worse. Rev. Jeff Rounds for Mixed Recovery, Inc.

My recovery journey began in 1989 when I started attending Al Anon meetings. Today I support several different 12 Step Programs and I am grateful to be sober since 08/18/2019. I sponsor online and people of all belief systems and genders.

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