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Chapter Five: Relationships Our ideas about relationships are often based in anything but reality, we want to believe that relationships somehow happen on their own, that we can step into a relationship like its a carnival ride and it will just take us. Just as we imagined the right combinations of drugs would make everything alright, we sometimes imagine that the right combination of attributes will make a soul mate. We place unrealistic expectations on ourselves and others. We fantasize and project about how things "should be". Partnership isn't found; it's built. We need to show up and participate in its construction. But once we start taking care of ourselves, all kinds of intimacy are available to us.

After not taking my first recovery seriously. A relapse took everything and almost everyone from me. I am now actively participating in a rigorous and honest life, to stay clean. Just for today I can do it, and I tell myself that daily. If you need to talk to someone I am here as I know there will be people in the program for me if I need them. Not asking for help in this disease is the worse thing we can do while trying to recover. I am here to help in any way I am able. No judgement only understanding, peace, hope, and strength.

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