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whenever i read this passage, it always makes me think of how i need to keep my thoughts and actions with my HPs will. that service work among my peers truly shows my willingness to complete His will. as i continue to live His will in my life to the best of my ability i am continually livin a spiritual experience that words cannot encapsulate. these actions bring about a grateful attitude fer the gifts of life He provides. even as i was workin the 7th step with my sponsor, and learnin all i could from those around me, i found out later, i had already been livin the humility recovery promises which will come to me. the promises had done what they said they would, before i was halfway through, i had begun to know a new freedom and a new happiness. this of course brought a whole new feelin of peace and serenity fer me. as i look back on those early days i am often amazed at how much ive grown since then. humility has given me the ability to live life today without much fear. then, i thought i had found it, how was i to know the growth would continue to new, never before seen or felt, boundaries, as they have today. i get to share my life with others today, as i did then, because of this ever-growin freedom. though happy where i am today, i cannot wait to see what my HP has in store fer me as i continue this journey into faith. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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