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lettin loose all the shit that had bound me up fer so many years did clear my head; it made room fer other things to come into my life. i had been hearin about humility and people were tellin me to get it, but i didnt know how or what it even felt like. as time had gone by, and i had lived the steps, or either decided to let go and let God, i began to feel an inner peace i hadnt before. there was actually room fer peace and i was finally able to let others see my HP work through me. i seemingly didnt have to worry or stress over doin it, it was just somethin that came out of nowhere. i found out it was peace and serenity that leads me to humility, and humility leads me to serenity and peace. today i find it each mornin even if it is only the 15 – 20 minutes i spend doin my dailys. it gives me a place to come back to if my life starts goin a lil crazy that day. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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