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it is nice to be able to accept self, people, places, and things fer who and what they are. it certainly does create a feelin of humility and serenity that allows my HP to flow within. it is even nicer to know that i no longer need to have alcohol to allow a faux feelin like this. it is genuine, true, and pure. i love the positive energy flow i get from this thing we do, it has taught me to be able to live happy, joyous, and free. i can remember always causin negative situations to happen in my life. these situations caused problems fer most all around me and especially the ones that were closest to me. today i live a much simpler life, a life knowin where the good comes from. i am truly blessed to get the great peace, love, and forgiveness i am able to enjoy today. to remain humble i must let it flow from me. i cannot keep it all fer myself as i have done in the past. it is important fer me to remember that this life i live today is a gift and with faith i can let others know why and where it comes from, because, it aint all me. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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