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honesty, faith, courage, integrity, and humility come at a cost. this price can either be termed a liability or an asset. it is up to me how i perceive the consequence of those decisions. gittin rid of all the "ground glass" in my life was an exasperatin exercise in humility. lookin honestly at what i had done to others and the experiences i had lived through in my life, i thought, gave me plenty enough reason to act and feel the way i did. lookin at em fer what they were and analyzin em with a view of clarity with surrender, and acceptance, was a big step fer me. i was able to appreciate how my sponsor and this thing we do were there to guide me along. it took courage to refeel all the emotionally pent-up frustration, anger, and hurt. but was what i needed to do to move forward. faith certainly played a major part in the release of such forebodin aspects of my life. with integrity i could own my part. today i am a much happier person fer gettin all this emotional substance out so i could become free. i feel indebted, fer the positive outcomes of doin the action required to live and let live. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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