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i am always reminded to keep it simple. as my friend charles says, "i get so crazy, i could mess up a soup sandwich!" i fit that sentence well when i let my self-will take over. in order fer my life to continue to go well, i must keep His will in place, and not start placin demands upon myself, or others, that are unreasonable. it is so important fer me to remember the ideas i am taught in this program are God given and free of charge. i need to be grateful fer the fact this is somethin that i do not have to pay fer and always remember to pass it on as it was given to me. if i can remember these simple little suggestions i am better prepared fer lifes challenges. God will do fer me what i cannot do fer myself, if i let Him. faith in Him provides me the strength and courage to persevere forth. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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