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these promises suggest if i work fer change within, to receive change within, it will happen; i need to actively do somethin to get somethin in return fer my labors. as i have lived and practiced what ive learned through my participation in this thing we do, to the best of my ability, i have received the fruits of my diligent labors. i can remember, back in the days of doin my dirt, havin the thought i should receive a good life just because i was me, gettin a good life, by proxy, from someone elses works. i had the idea that i had been put here fer a reason, to receive. im here to tell ya’ll, that never really ever panned out. today, after learnin what the steps can do if i live fer em, ive seen these promises come to fruition in my life. i have learned that the harder i work fer somethin the greater the feelin of satisfaction of the reward. my HP has given me the strength and courage to move through tough times and work fer the good things in life. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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