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before i came into the rooms fer help i thought there was nothin that could help me. even after bein here fer a lil while, i still had that idea. i mean, hadnt i tried everythin i could to beat this thing? my sponsor told me of the 3 things in the spiritual experience which are indispensable, willingness, honesty, and open mindedness. he said, without these 3 ideas, i probably wouldnt get this thing we do. i needed to truly open my thinkin, accept where i was, what i had become, and then become willin to do somethin about it. i still have to live by these 3 simple ideas today. new things come at me in my recovery and i need to use these indispensable ideas to get through em. im so grateful today i have an HP to help guide me through my life. with a clear recognition and acceptance of my humanness, i get to acknowledge i aint gotta have all the answers. i get to be willin to do what it takes to recover, have the courage to show vulnerability, and accept a modest view of my own importance. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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