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this mornins readin speaks about one ultimate authority which leads the group. it is a lesson fer me to follow and use as a guide in my efforts to continue to grow behaviorally, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually in my personal recovery from alcoholism. in the days before my recovery began, while out doin my dirt, the ultimate authority which led me was, well, me. i led myself into utter chaos and disarray constantly. i always thought i was movin ahead and there were times when i did, only later to pull all the accomplishments or progress i made, down upon myself. watchin the fellowship, i get to see an example of how others in this thing we do apply their idea of one ultimate authority. today i get to use this principle to my advantage, as ive learned from watchin those who came into the rooms before me. by lettin God take control of my life by followin His will as best as i can. i no longer want to experience the pain and sufferin i cause to others, or me, by livin on self-will. my HP expresses Himself as somethin i may not ever fully understand, but still understand as long as i let Him lead i will not fail. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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