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i get to do the exercises of self-examination, meditation, and prayer as a daily discipline today. ive found these few simple things done each day in the beginnin of my day make fer a better day fer me. they give me the fresh start each day that doesnt start with chaos; yet a calm peaceful feelin of serenity. i can look at me; see how, and where, i can make positive differences in my life to make it better. listenin fer my HPs guidance and lettin His direction take root before the whirlwind of life even starts. then i get to give all my will over to Him so i dont have to be troubled by it, askin fer His help throughout my day. this has become a regular constant in my life, which i can ill afford to let loose of. i get to have an unshakable foundation fer life with this daily discipline when i start my day in such a manner. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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