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i tried many different ways to get sober, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologist, and even religion. none of which seemed to work fer me. as i look back i understand today, it was my alcoholism keepin me from usin each of these God given programs to fight my self-will. i remember the religion of my youth tellin me how God could work in miraculous ways. i understand today, each of the ideas mentioned above would have worked if i wasnt tryin to live by my self-will. i even learned in this thing we do, it in itself, is a God given program fer me to use to battle my alcoholism. today, i get to live with an understandin, my HP is the one providin me a way of keepin me sober and in recovery. as it turns out, the many spiritual concepts i learned in my youth, are ideas i use today. but fer the grace of God, there go i. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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