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fer many years i had my ambitions misplaced. i may have had good intentions fer my ambitions, but they never really truly made anybody, or me, happy. i may have had success with my ambitions and intentions, but they were always self-guided, selfish, and short lived. as i have learned, "the victor only seemed to win." after comin into this thing we do and workin with my sponsor, i learned the ambitions i had were driven by my need to be accepted by others so i could feel a part of somethin. they were driven out of ego and false pride. just what was i to do about this; i was tired of feelin the way i did. my sponsor suggested i actually try to do things fer others, instead of just, thinkin, i was doin shit fer others; and really, truly, only doin it, fer self-gain. i thought this guy was crazy, if i do fer others, as i had been taught as a young child, how could i benefit from em? he said, just try it man. so, i did, little by little, my ideas and actions changed toward helpin others without thought of any kind of repayment. along with my HP i have been able to feel the humility, service, and usefulness this readin speaks of. by havin this simple course of transformation in action and thought, true ambition has become a norm. 1day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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