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i can remember bitchin to my sponsor one time early in recovery about how i was pissed at someone and givin him the list of justifications fer the anger. i was brimmin over with selfishness, resentment, and fear. he turned to me and simply said, “we have ceased fightin anythin or anyone, love and tolerance of others is our code”. from those simple words i learned that i had to begin to stop lettin shit eat at me. i had to start usin the spiritual principles of recovery in my actions and thoughts. most importantly, i learned i had to start usin the spiritual principles of love and tolerance toward myself. i look back on those early days of recovery and how simple those ideas were. it seemed i always tried to make em harder than they actually were, eventually beatin myself up. today i am able to use love and tolerance readily, toward others, and myself. they are so much easier than hate and intolerance. usin the faith i have gained in my HP i am better prepared fer times when i must use love and tolerance. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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