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this is where God allows me to use my natural humanness. He doesnt stop me from makin decisions based on self, nor does He stop me from sufferin the consequences and repercussions of the behaviors, actions, or words i choose to live out my self-will. am i to remain passive, swimmin in the mire of my own doins, or am i to get active in my recovery and learn from my mistakes? or is this where i get to inventory the behaviors, actions, or words i chose to use, to see where my character defects and shortcomins have, yet again, caused me to experience tribulation. as ive learned in this thing we do, i never graduate. there is an ongoin evolution and growth happenin fer me behaviorally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. just as i may develop and widen each of these areas, my alcoholism is doin much the same, just waitin fer that 1 chance to trip my ass up. the spiritual principle of perseverance becomes a virtue i must remain willin to use. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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