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its always been easy to lie to myself and believe the story tellin. when i believe my lies to self, i learned in recovery, i could manipulate others into believin my story tellin too. the matter of honesty recovery requires fer its consummation into a different way of life demands i learn how to be honest with myself. simple, not easy. breakin free of any of the demons my alcoholism has created means i must start bein honest with myself about the realities i face in my life today. surely i can try to pray to my HP, meditatin and listenin fer His guidance. that seems the simple part. but when i need to be totally honest, i must share/voice the realities ive found, or am feelin within, with another person. its been my experience throughout my journey through the spiritual principles of recovery, the freedom i feel when i let loose the burden of self-centeredness and inner self-righteousness, i get to break free the bonds of my alcoholism. self-honesty about who and what i am, or can be, creates, for me, avenues to work toward solutions rather than stayin locked in pollutions. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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