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when i combine willingness, honesty, and open-mindedness the result is humility. though i may feel like i have humility as i approach each essential separately, the combination of all 3 allow me to feel how i may use humility to become ever greater in my efforts for recovery. each are not items that need to be checked off a list, though each help me in my recovery; it is the combination of all 3 that help me to use humility as a solution to the personal problems in my life. as each become characteristics of my new lease on life i become more observant and aware of the world around me. this enables me to become even more willin to work harder in my recovery. im open to suggestion, im open to my HPs intuitive bodin within, and i am open to experiencin anothers concept of how they work and live their lives. i get to take advantage of sincere friendship and understandin of the others who, through social and personal contact, take me away from old haunts within and the unhealthy environments in which i use to think made me thrive. i get to become more vulnerable and childlike, seekin experiences in the spirit of my HP and recovery. i get to use pride in healthy, balanced, ways that promote self-respect and the respect of others. i get to enhance my communication skills, thinkin more of others than of self. and i get to lessen the opportunity for others to take advantage of me. i get to keep a realistic appreciation of myself that leads to achievement. i check my motives before helpin another or givin somethin away. when i remain willin to be humble, i dont seek to control my life or anothers. i get to feel serenity and truly understand where it comes from. with this peace of mind, i get to match calamity with serenity. willingness, honesty, and open-mindedness, continue to work together so humility becomes a behavioral character i represent without tryin to think of it or act it out. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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