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recovery has taught me what humility is. i never thought that humility could be as rewardin as it has been for me. if i was to tell ya that i practiced it before my recovery began id be straight story tellin ya. i dont think i knew what it was back in the days of doin my dirt. what i did know back in those days was that i needed to get what ev i could at any cost to another, no matter what it took me. if i had been granted the gifts recovery has given me back then, i would have used em just as wrongly as ya can prob imagine. today, its a lil different. ive learned that i am to be someone who speaks with confidence, rather than be boastful and a braggart. that i am to mind my own business, i dont ever know the whole story like i used to think i did. no matter how well-intentioned my motive, i need to keep my advice to myself, unless, on the rare occasion, someone asks. ive learned not to take anythin the other person says personally, accept anothers opinion, and give up any need i may have to prove im right. instead of throwin peoples mistakes back in their face, i use these times as an opportunity to practice humility. not to take shit too personally, that maybe, just maybe, when someone throws insults my way, i need to be assured the problem they are dealin with is not me, and prob somethin else. no matter how much my humanness, or ego, needs to be relevant, i can accept bein slighted, disliked or forgotten. and even when provoked, use it as a time to behave as kindly as i believe my HP would have me. i must always try to remember the gratitude i have for the opportunity to gain recovery from a hopeless state of mind and body. remainin as honest as possible with another i get the opportunity to show gratitude and practice genuine humility. there are so many more ways to be humble, and these are just a few of what ive been taught through recovery. i reckon the best way to practice the humility ive learned is to give the forgiveness, hope, and love recovery has unconditionally given me. when all else fails, i get to find the directions in the big book. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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