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early in my recovery my sponsor made himself available for me when he could. havin learned from his example, it is imperative i do the same when sponsorin another. just as this mornins readin suggests, the more i work with others in recovery, sharin my experience, strength, and hope, by carryin the message of recovery as i live it, im blessed with an immunity from the next drink. it has been my experience that this promise is truth as ive been graced by my HP to have able to participate in it. if i have done my job as a person who lives a quality program of recovery, my example will prove effective. just as when i type these daily reflections accentin the way i choose to keep a relationship with my HP, then goin out into the world to live as i perceive my HP would have me, practicin the spiritual principles as i understand them, i get to live in a new and wonderful world, no matter the circumstance that surrounds me. its not so much that i say, or type, a whole mess of sweet to the ears/eyes words, the real show is when im faced with the circumstances the world has to present me with, how i react to them. when im with those i may sponsor or am asked by them how anger or frustration would affect me, i tell them how the big book teaches me to react to it, and most importantly relate experience to the specific situation. i show them in the big book where the solution is and discuss with them the spiritual principles that describe the solution to the problem. when we walk together through the book, we get to stay sober and even more significantly, keep our recovery practiced. if we are goin to truly live, we must take the way of faith in God. that is the path for us. we must follow it. if they dont know how, i walk alongside them showin them. even as life is sometimes a march of duty durin dull, dark days, as we search for right livin together, doin the next right thing our HPs guide us to, inner happiness is our reward. after all we are brought to freedom together with the blessin of recovery. as i articulate how i surrendered and came to the program, showin the new ways to use the energy previously absorbed by my alcoholism, puttin my spiritual awareness in the place of terror, bewilderment, frustration, and despair, turnin to my HP and recovery to help me discover how to fill my time constructively and creatively, i show the worth of my recovery to my new partner in recovery. the twelve steps are a manuscript for rational livin. it is now my responsibility to pass onto others what i have learned are the solutions through each powerful step. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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