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today i get to live with a full and thankful heart that begs me to give what ive received through recovery to others. its been my experience when i do give it away, i get the fortune to receive even more. i couldnt ever had imagined in the days of doin my dirt the gifts recovery offers when i practice decent, honest, livin. its not always as easy as it simply sounds, but when i practice the activity of the responsibility i owe to my HP, recovery, others, and self, i get to live in serenity with piece of mind. as i continue to make recovery a lifetime work, perseverin and persistin day by day, i get to gain the spiritual experience the promises throughout the big book speak of. when i was drinkin, livin a life in self-centered fear, i was often afraid to challenge my own morals and values. i had always demanded peace at any price, no matter the cost to others or myself. yet i could not find a quiet moment within unless it was brought with a whiskey jug. now i see that my attitude and behavior, along with my alcohol consumption, is what kept me emotionally, psychologically, behaviorally, and spiritually sick. i couldnt live with gratitude, because my alcoholism would not let me. my alcoholic thinkin took me away from a life connected to any God, family, friends, community, and spiritual principles. as i continued to drink, my primary relationship was with alcohol or drugs. ive learned my alcoholism is an illness of mistaken relationship. i always believed i could get my emotional needs met through a relationship with alcohol; i never found lastin peace within. in recovery, i get to live instead of die. i get to work to heal the wounds my disease created within my life. i see trust bein created within which allows me to be thankful and live in gratitude. i get to regularly pray and meditate and feel the purpose for a presence of a HP in my life. in my spiritual program, i can have my own opinions in life. i do not have to agree with everythin that used to be my delusion. im discoverin the value and self-esteem i receive from gratitude. with a full and thankful heart, gratitude is an experience that has become one of the greatest gifts that can come to anyone, a spiritual awakenin. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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