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humility has brought me freedom through recovery. recovery has brought me a sense a of the gift of humility. today im blessed to understand the limits of my self-will. and whats even better, that understandin continues to grow as i live the change recovery offers. it changes as i evolve within. ive learned that to change is to be imperfect, and to be imperfect is to be wrong at times. today i can accept my humanness. there was a time i couldnt. and those times brought me to my knees w/out any solution for an ability to stand back up again. as an alcoholic, i have a problem with ego, always wantin to be right, hatin to say, "i am sorry," “i was wrong,” or “i dont know,” and wishin to not appear out of control. in sobriety, i must wrestle with my ego on a daily basis. recovery has taught me im to live today by what truth i can get today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood, to experience joy and growth in the dilemmas of life. and to not try to blame another for what is goin on around me. ive learned how to live in the solution of myself by a desire to seek and do Gods will, humility is a gift i get to live today. it gives me a purpose to await with complete faith for the next good thing in store for me. when i keep an expectant attitude toward life and live His will over mine, i get to be open to the suspense of the next moment. not in fear, but in healthy emotional anticipation, cause ive learned that recovery brings me the unexpected good He has to offer me. my HP has shown me, beyond all else, that how i come to understand Him is not nearly as important as knowin that He understands me unconditionally. i get to remain open to lettin go of old, limitin, negative beliefs. its the freedom humility gives me. faith without works, bring me nothin. certainly not the works of a humble heart, mind, body, and soul, no gifts; only my ego and false sense of rightful pride. humility has helped spiritual progress to allow me to keep me sober and live a recoverin life. i dont get to stay recovered if i quit practicin recovery. i dont get to stay humble if i quit practicin humility. the gift of humility is a good life thats growing, expanding life, with ever-widening horizons, an ever-greater circle of friends and acquaintances, and an ever-greater opportunity for usefulness. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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