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the spiritual principle of step 10 is perseverance. it is in the practice of perseverance i get to maintain my life usin each of the spiritual principles ive learned to this point in my recovery. i get to be aware of the world around me and my place in it. i no longer have to live in fear of the troubles i found from the days of doin my dirt. recovery has taught me how to maintain a balance through the personal inventory it suggests. when i am aware of the items of character which cause me or others harm, i havent an excuse as to why i act or react the way i do to certain stimuli. when i feel awkward or tied up within, i know somethin aint right. this is when i take personal inventory to uncover the character that is affected. i then get to use what ev principle to solve my problem. whether its honesty or willingness, faith or humility, justice, or brotherly love, i get to use the integrity and perseverance ive learned to solve my problems. it is with the surrender and acceptance, i can learn to tolerate whats goin on within til i finally let loose and let God. its a work in patience which helps me persevere. it is with perseverance i get to continue to practice the solutions to my most basic problems, even the ones which require in depth conference with my sponsor or other trusted friends in recovery. many times, it is the workin of those solutions when i get to grow even further into spiritual awareness expoundin my spiritual experience. yesterdays baggage dont stand a chance when i use perseverance. i get to show others the impermanence of my alcoholism as im humbly guided along by my HP. stayin stuck on stupid aint gotta be as permanent as it once was for me. the continuance of the spiritual principles is the essence of out livin yesterdays baggage. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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