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today i aint gotta use alcohol to combat the emotions or feelins i feel. selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, or fear dont run my life like they once did. it doesnt mean that i dont feel them from time to time because i do, its just that recovery has offered me solutions that help me when i feel em comin on. and sometimes, i even feel these emotions for a while when they strike, until i realize they are startin to guide my behavior and thinkin. prayer and meditation in my mornins help me, and continued practice of spiritual principles help relieve me of them. altruism, faithfulness, friendliness, assurance, and confidence, become the character assets i get to live out when i ask my HP to remove these character defects and shortcomins. if ive affected another in a negative way, i own up to it and make reparations as soon as im aware of the harm. and of course, bouncin these actions and behaviors off a trusted friend in recovery, or sponsor, helps to correct my thinkin about the situation or circumstance. one of the best things ive learned from recovery when i start feelin self-pity drive me into the character defects ive worked so hard to reduce, is the ability to willingly and humbly go out and help another, even if its only sittin with em and listenin to their struggles. when im willin to grow, i get to persevere past my personal problems steppin up on the rungs of the ladder of a healthy, balanced, and sane life. unremittin inventories have become a part of my life today. they help me continue to rebuild and form relationships i need in my life to remain emotionally, psychologically, behaviorally, and spiritually fit and healthy. ive learned through livin my recovery no yesterdays are ever wasted when i give of myself today. when i live in the moment, ive no expectations about the next moment, and without expectations, i cant be disappointed, only surprised by the grace my HP presents. when i keep watch on my behavior and thinkin, im givin gratitude toward my HP and those around me. i aint gotta live in, or experience, the emotional hangovers i used to before my recovery began. the first step in overcomin mistakes is to admit them with the simple attitude adjustments recovery has taught me. 1 day @ a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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