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my sponsor brought me the program of recovery through his experience. he made recovery from my active alcoholism possible. he didnt try to turn me into a dry waller as he was. he didnt try to make me like the things he liked. sure, we spent time together in my early recovery, and when we did, the conversation always revolved around recovery. what he did was make recovery the focus of our interaction. he taught me that what he had was a possible answer to my alcoholism. he offered me solutions to my problems usin the spiritual principles of recovery, nothin more, nothin less. his social, religious, political, or cultural views were not cast upon me. he didnt try to be anythin more than an alcoholic in recovery; he didnt pretend to know more than he did. he showed me how to be a sponsor. he showed me how to carry the message of recovery, for himself, and for others. today its my responsibility to live my recovery in such a manner that, when asked by another for help with their affliction, i stick to my last. to pass on any of my personal convictions is a failure for me in my recovery. its my experience, strength, and hope i hope to pass along in accordance with each spiritual principle. its how i use each that tells the tale of recovery after tellin my personal experience before recovery. i then get to express how each spiritual principle was used to get where i am today. its in black and white in the big book. i aint a doctor, i aint a taxicab driver, and i aint a banker. what i am is another alcoholic who found a way to live my life without the use of alcohol usin recoverys spiritual principles. that is my last, that is my goal, to pass on what was so freely given to me. i know i aint perfect, i know ima make mistakes, but i also know i aint gotta use alcohol to hide behind for my mistakes. what i know best is my story. i get to believe in the Unseen and be convinced by the results of the Unseen, which i do see. as i continue to listen and learn, i get to live my happiness, focused on the positive and energized, into action at my best. today i will persevere. 1 day @ at a time...

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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