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it took me a while after bein in recovery to let God, or anybody, into my life. i reckon i had to let Him show me what He could do in other peoples lives before i could turn my unwarranted anger away from Him. after i had been here for a few months people started comin up and askin me how i was beatin my alcoholism. this stumped me coz i really didnt know, i just wasnt drinkin, and was tryin to do things differently than i ever had. i felt like i had started becomin a part of the group. then it dawned on me, He had started givin me a purpose, a meanin, and a destiny to grow toward. i loved the feelin of finally becomin someone that was part of the whole. i had kept myself enclosed in my own world fer so long that it was a difficult transition at 1st. it took me about a year after comin into this thing we do to begin to come out of the shell of my former self. i had been a recluse and lonely fer so long its what i had trained my mind and body to be. i can remember my sponsor took me around the rooms in my early days of recovery and introduced me to his friends and others in recovery. i learned that the world doesnt revolve or even evolve around me. i had shut myself off from life because of my alcoholism. today i am grateful to be a productive member of not only the recoverin community, but life in general. today i can be me and be happy and secure with me. i no longer have to hide myself from me or anybody else, i am a part of the whole. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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