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im actually still workin on this one, imagine that? i think this is one fer me that comes and goes accordin to what is happenin in my life; my spiritual condition has to be maintained. i can say that when i have faith and do the right things, all of my needs are met. i may not be gettin the things i WANT, but i am gettin the things i NEED. this is what is key in this lil statement, want vs. need. i am grateful fer what my HP has provided fer me, and what HE will continue to provide fer me, if i dont squander it away restin on my laurels. as i learn how to practice the spiritual principles of this thing we do, i can see certain aspects of my life changin. i am becomin responsible fer my own well bein, physically, financially emotionally, psychologically, behaviorally, and most importantly, spiritually. this doesnt mean i forget about these vital aspects of my life and just hope they will be taken care of by some unseen force. it means i have to become willin and able to do the work necessary to live life successfully. two important facets of this are my financial and spiritual responsibilities, somethin i really didnt care to try to work toward or manage before comin into recovery. it doesnt mean that fear is lost and gone; it just means that today i have positive solutions to manage it. practicin and livin the steps and traditions in my life to the best of my ability has paved the way fer me to be responsible enough to accept the fear of these two conditions and use faith that im doin the right things to overcome them. it takes work on my behalf, period. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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