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years ago, i received a call one mornin from a dear friend in recovery. he told me he had decided to drink the evenin prior, and did, after a considerable amount of time without. this mornins readin says, "If we are planning to stop drinkin, there must be no reservation of any kind, nor any lurking notion that someday we will be immune to alcohol." i cannot say why this dear friend of mine returned to drinkin, i can say that it proves to me that the above statement is true. i know i can never drink again, i have people to show me this every day, what life will be like once more if i do. thank you lord fer thinkin bout me im alive n’ doin fine. aaahhh, good ol’ reservations! fer me, dealin with reservations of drinkin has kind of left me. i have seen the results proven to me through my own experience and by watchin and learnin from others around me. today i understand and know i am an alcoholic who gets to choose to live a life in recovery. there is NO “1 more drink,” fer me. i understand fully the implications of “1 more drink” fer me. i have already lived through jails, institutions, and death. though i may not have passed myself, others around me have, as a direct result of the disease of alcoholism. i have been close many times myself. the reservations i deal with mostly today are ones of my own thinkin and makin, how to deal properly with situations that can still baffle me. should i do this, should i do that, or shouldnt i? these reservations are the ones that have the potential to lead me back to the easy softer way of a solution. a solution that can, and will, be life threatenin if i dont overcome them with the spiritual principles i have been taught through this thing we do. prayer and meditation is a solution i need to use to lead me to the proper way to deal with these reservations when they occur. the answers come when i am patient, am willin, can surrender, and have faith. i must fall back on them to live as they are the best way to defeat any reservation i may have. askin my HP, and then listenin fer the answers, continue to avail me a good life. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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