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before i came into the rooms i always expected people to do the impossible, then got pissed at em because they couldnt live up to my incessant demands or expectations. i even put such demands upon myself and when i failed i would beat myself up over it emotionally, psychologically, behaviorally, and spiritually. i have learned through livin the steps in my life, failure is a part of life, as well as success. acceptin both and livin with both in moderation is the key to balancin these things fer me today. with help from my HP i get to live through them equally; by His will, i can accept failure and success equally. these are areas of my life i had to really do work on early in recovery. i always relied on others or outside things to make me happy while steeped in my alcoholism. i needed to learn new ways to find happiness, not always try to drag others down with me. this thing we do provided me the opportunity to be happy from the inside, not the outside. i learned of the character buildin this mornins readin suggests and started work on it immediately. it didnt come quickly fer me, but it still came. practicin the spiritual principles of the fellowship i began to love me and depend upon the program fer answers to loneliness. today i am happy from within, i have my HP and this program, and others in it to thank fer showin me the way of courage. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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