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i always tried to figure out the best way to overcome the problems i had by keepin em fer myself. i didnt think anyone else could help, or even cared, nor did i want them to, so i kept them all to myself. i thought they were safe with me and could never cause any harm. i always looked, searched, i tried to work the problems i had out by myself, with hardly any success. i never could. and ya know if i couldnt fix em, no one else could either. im grateful fer sponsorship today, lettin these dark secrets go was such a relief to me. i agree with this mornins readin, it was time fer me to lay things to rest that had happened while i was out doin my dirt. sharin all of those things with another, as step 5 suggests, was a needed step fer me in the process of cleanin my house. it gave me someone to share all the things i had held pent up inside. the readin calls em tormentin ghosts and i couldnt agree more with the terminology used fer those past actions. the cantankerous naggin was let loose. openin the door so those past negative experiences could be set free also gave me the chance to experience freedom. though i have not forgotten my past, it is my past, and it needs to stay there. step 5 helped me to begin to learn how to forgive myself for my past. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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