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with a willingness to become aware, the willingness to accept, provided a willingness to demonstrate, through action, a readiness to let go of ego and self, and follow a vastly different lifestyle. it became important to me to explore the differences i was experiencin as my recovery progressed. my HP has ALWAYS been there fer me, it was i who turned my back on Him. after comin into this thing we do and learnin that my HP should be an essential part of my recovery i had to throw away all of the preconceived notions i had formed my entire life. i had to open my mind to His omnipotence. i learned by listenin to others speak of their spiritual experiences that their HP always played a crucial part in their recovery. after listenin, and most importantly, watchin, it was apparent i needed to reacquaint myself with my HP again. since then, i have witnessed miraculous events unfold right before my very eyes. as the readin suggests, the realm of the spirit, fer me, is broad, roomy, all inclusive, and certainly infinite. i am blessed each day i follow, and apply, the spiritual principles set down by this thing we do. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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