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my sponsor explained to me that 1 of the best ways fer me to remain in recovery was to share my experience, strength, and hope with whoever was havin the same problem i was. remainin focused on my own recovery i could do this by just livin each day sober, no unusual requirements were needed. people would see the change and they would come to me. to be sober each day and live happy, joyous, and free, is somethin God has to be a part of everyday. i can remember when i was early in this thing we do, thinkin this same thing, it worked so well fer me, why doesnt everybody try this method to change their lives. i mean, i was even thinkin of people who werent even labelin themselves as alcoholics. i thought, damn, what a life changin program, everybody should be doin this. i wasnt thinkin of the fact that this program of recovery was actually a program of recovery fer people who were seekin recovery from alcoholic behaviors. i wasnt thinkin its not a program made fer everybody in the world who wasnt like me. i was one of those bankrupt idealists, had all the great visions but nothin to really back it up with. what i learned was that i needed to focus on joel, i was the one that was the alcoholic, not everybody else. i am grateful it took me the time it has to become a changed person. just livin life different than before, usin the spiritual principles of this thing we do, is enough to let others see the changes in my life. i dont have to save the world though i am not afraid to share with others who may ask why my life is different. it does me good to share the changes with them when, and if, they ask. 1 day @ a time…

corn fed not inbred michigan white trash...

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