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My name is Jeff. I am an alcoholic, codependent and addict in recovery with PTSD and Bipolar disorder. I am also an Omnist Reverend, one of very few. Omnism is the belief that there is truth in all religions, yet none of them are perfect. I did not know I was Omnist myself until I read the word in 2016. In my life I have been Christian, Agnostic, Atheist, Muslim, I have a profound understanding of Buddhism/Taoism and I have researched several other religions as well. In addition, I continue to be involved in several 12 step fellowships. Forgive me if any of that sounds like bragging, I am not. I have been searching my whole life for the answers to difficult questions, things that I needed real answers for, not just "have faith". After a lifetime of searching, in my late 50s it all came together and I came to an understanding of God that allows me to speak to people of any faith and know what they are talking about. I would like to offer support to anyone who is having difficulty resolving the God concept in reference to recovery. I would also like to offer sponsorship to people of all religions. I have already sponsored Muslim, Christian, Agnostic and Atheist. Each of them have come to trust me and we come up with personalized approaches to recovery based on their willingness to participate in different things. More than anything, the purpose of the concept of God is to give us a benchmark for mental health, acceptance and inner peace. That is my mission, to help others find the peace within themselves by any language necessary. For me, the time I spend in peace is the most important part of my day, it has become a new healthy addiction for me and thankfully, it is always available to me whenever I am willing to let go. It is against the terms of my faith to convert anyone, my goal is to help others come to terms with their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. Please feel free to reach out, there is no charge, it is part of my service work. Thank you and best wishes. Rev. Jeff Rounds for Mixed Recovery, Inc.

My recovery journey began in 1989 when I started attending Al Anon meetings. Today I support several different 12 Step Programs and I am grateful to be sober since 08/18/2019. I sponsor online and people of all belief systems and genders.

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