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Did you know that words are spells? All of them, whether in thought, writing or speech. In fact, all communication and expression is a form of spell casting. Don Miguel Ruiz helped remind me of this with the 4 Agreements when he says, "Be impeccable with your word". Why, because words are energy and the way the universe actually works is far more bizarre than we normally imagine. The energy and intentions of our words create the reality we perceive. I will give you an example. I personally have issues with psychology. I feel it is a broken and misguided science because they are constantly generating more words to describe things that are very simple. All of the research done in the mental health industry is driven by a profit motive, and what upsets me most is how psychology dares to question Universal Truth. As I write, I am inserting my Ego into the universe. These are my issues and my beliefs and I am casting a Spell of Doubt, a very powerful spell on the entire industry of mental health and science of psychology. Everyone who witnesses these words either from me, or someone else repeating me is now under the spell that I have cast. How much is entirely up to the individual. For some people my words will have no impact at all and for others, they could be life changing and even contribute to their deaths. I know this as I speak, I realize that someone may stop getting the professional treatment they need and it will cause their mental health to decrease and they may speed the pace of their own death. I am fully aware of that possibility, and I keep writing. I am not perfect, Universal Truth is. If science understood the true nature of mental health issues, they would still sell us treatments instead of cures. It is not a question of good or bad, it is simply understanding that the nature of the industry is based on profits and not cures. It is no mistake that there are things that are government mandated in most industries, because that is what benefits the people who control everything, the bankers. It is a simple system of control that we live in, the upper 1% own everything and control the money, the corporations answer to them and the government answers to both of them. All of the systems created by humans that involve the use of money, are corrupted by the use of money. In reality, every human is equal and all of us have the exact same value, including for our time. The systems in place create the need to compete and control, everyone wanting more because the people who own everything are mentally ill, the worst examples of Greed. No, it is not possible to be that rich and powerful and also, mentally healthy. Balanced, successful and in denial of how much harm money causes to humanity, yes. Denial is at the core of all Mental Illness and to ignore the suffering of others is the most common form of denial, which is a lack of Emotional Intelligence. That is a pretty big spell to cast, what good will it do if any? I never know, all I know is that it is my mission to always speak the truth, no matter how frightening and disturbing it may be. When and where I do, depends on a force greater than myself. This post is flowing consciousness, completely unplanned I just had the thought about spells and started writing. I know this is a fairly safe platform for me to express myself and I am prepared to block any attacks. So let's get to the point already. There are many types of spells and many of them are healing. Simply look at the intentions of the words, and what comes back to you. When we intend to cause harm, we do and harm comes back to us. I know from experience, I am a masochist and I have watched this happen to me for years. When we intend to heal others, then no matter how they respond to kindness we can have faith in knowing that our words have cast a spell of acceptance. There is a term, Gaslighting. It means to create a problem where there is none and it is a horrible destructive behavior. Casting spells of Doubt is Gaslighting, that is what I am doing when I speak badly of the mental health industry. Oddly, I have faith that even though I am gaslighting and casting spells of doubt, it will become more healing than harmful as I continue to speak a combination of my truth and Universal Truth. My words and energy do not match everyone, I am seeking those who they do. This is the reason for my spells today, to attract the people who have had enough bullshit from people with degrees and are interested in the truth, no matter how painful it may be. I am willing to fight, I am willing to stand in a room full of highly trained people and tell them all why their degrees are useless crap and that I reject their entire industry as a corrupt waste of time. I told the last place I went to for care that their role is too coddle the suffering while they slowly die. I do not want coddling, I want, need and will have my answers. I cannot say I found everything in 12 Step Recovery, I have stolen things from many sources. What I can say is that everything I need to know about mental health is public domain and there are millions of other people already practicing it. Go to your professionals, get the help you need for yourself at all costs, trust your intuition in guiding your decisions because there is no one perfect path. However, if you have had enough of them like I have, please feel free to connect with me and I will share everything I have learned and none of it has to do with them. The truth in all this and the most valuable thing I have to offer is this. There is more information about your mental health in a tear, then there will ever be in a book. We need to talk and cry about our losses and the things that cause harm, because that is how our minds and bodies heal naturally. It is simple, but they will never tell you that, they are not going to say "Stop coming to me, go home and cry, that is all you really need". There is no money in that answer. Keep in mind that the longer the story, the bigger the pitch, look at the shear volume of books in the mental health field and it is clear they are all guessing.. It is the small, simple things that generate peace and Acceptance, more than anything, represents the highest state of mental health. Sincerely, Rev. Jeff Rounds

My recovery journey began in 1989 when I started attending Al Anon meetings. Today I support several different 12 Step Programs and I am grateful to be sober since 08/18/2019. I sponsor online and people of all belief systems and genders.

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