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What if I told you the most powerful force in the universe was Nothing? We are told that before time, all the matter in the universe was once a tightly packed infinitely dense singularity. Then something happened to everything, that something was nothing. Suddenly what was once completely void of space, was violated and strewn apart by the complete absence of matter, pure nothing. It does not end there, because nothing has a destiny and a course. Slowly nothing is pushing everything apart and eventually there will be so much nothing in between everything, that there will be no life or anything left to witness the universe. Eventually, everything that we think of as something, will be literally consumed by dark, heatless, endless nothing. Now how important are our issues. With everything gone and no humans to speak badly of things, what really matters, what was really important, why did we ever get so attached? The less we know, the more we become one with everything. How can anything be more powerful, than Nothing? It is not a question, it is a matter of time.

My recovery journey began in 1989 when I started attending Al Anon meetings. Today I support several different 12 Step Programs and I am grateful to be sober since 08/18/2019. I sponsor online and people of all belief systems and genders.

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