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I have an Ego, I am not my Ego Whenever I use the word "I" that is my Ego, talking about my Ego. the real me is the witness of Ego I the witness, am peace everything that is not peaceful, is Ego the most peaceful thing is nothing everything that is not nothing, is Ego when I have nothing in my mind, I can become one with everything, and nothing I hope these statements are beginning to interest you. I have tried many things in my life to come to these understandings and my life depends on my belief in these simple truths. I recognize that everyone may have a different language for these things, my definitions are Omnist religious doctrine. I acquired this understanding by obsessing myself absolutely sick with the small universal truths I discovered in Buddhist Philosophy. I need to make 2 points very clear. First, I completely reject the Freudian model of Ego as overcomplicated nonsense with no real value to mental health or recovery. Second, I am not Buddhist and I have not mastered a Buddhist path at all. Again, what I did was obsess for years and self actualize Buddhism based on small simple statements of universal truth. This is how I paraphrase the 4 noble truths of Buddhism. First, life is suffering. It is important to approach life with the awareness that we will suffer in life, there is no question. However, we will all suffer differently and no one's path is meant to be alike another. Second, attachment is the root of all suffering. Humans are emotional creatures and as we experience life the emotions we held in each moment are encoded into our subconscious mind. These emotional moments make up the matrix of attachments we call Ego. Third, we can reduce our suffering by breaking our attachments to the material world Fourth, the purpose of life is to transcend our suffering So what does the emotional matrix of Ego include? In human terms, all Logic, Will and Desire. Absent of thought, ambition or want, humans are at our most peaceful state and the longer someone can hold this state, the closer to Nirvana they will become. It is intoxicating and for many, meditation becomes an addiction of its own. Addiction = Attachment plus Obsession Addicts experience a narrowing of the fields of wellness and spend too much time focusing on a small number of things. In some ways, it makes us amazing people, we take things too far. Sadly, many of us do not return. I took my observation of Buddhist philosophy too far and hurt my mind badly. I began to obsess about attachments and Ego, I began to see it everywhere and suddenly, I was no longer anything but a sack of trauma and unexpressed emotions. I paid dearly for my understanding of the things I now offer to the public. I know the things I share are at least, true for me, because it is the core principle of my faith. I am a truth seeker, truth speaker and it is strictly against my religion to lie or be dishonest in any fashion. I am, fanatical about it. To understand Ego is a useful too in recovery and so is understanding that the four noble truths like the 12 steps of recovery, teach Acceptance. Breaking an attachment is an emotional journey. It means feeling and expressing every emotion and allowing these feelings to overwhelm us. The process for breaking an attachment is always the same, we need to let go, surrender to our feelings and allow emotions to change our minds. Whenever we are disturbed by anything in our lives, it is because there is something we are attached to and we need to accept a loss. In acceptance, we are free from the control of Ego and become the best version of ourselves, peaceful and free from suffering. I wish I could always be in acceptance, I am sorry to say and confess that I am not. It was my intention to write this post in peace, may it be received as intended. Thank you, Peace be with you, Sat Sri Akal, Assalamulaikum and Namaste. Rev. Jeff Rounds for Mixed Recovery, Inc.

My recovery journey began in 1989 when I started attending Al Anon meetings. Today I support several different 12 Step Programs and I am grateful to be sober since 08/18/2019. I sponsor online and people of all belief systems and genders.

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