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one of the best expressions i can do to preserve & ensure the strength and survival of any recovery program is to remain sober and live & practice my personal program of recovery. when i do this, i get to become an active member of the fellowship of recovery. by remainin humble with the desire...

throughout my life ive watched others, friends, acquaintances, even people i didnt know, lives get destroyed as a direct result of the disease of alcoholism/addiction. bein in recovery now, i am aware of the varyin programs offered that help those afflicted find a new way of life. havin had a spiritual awakenin as a result... Recovery Dharma Book, Page 57 Isolation and Connection The Buddha taught that nothing and nobody exists on its own. He said: "Since this exists, that exists, and since this does not exist, that does not exist." We’re connected to other people through the way we interact, through the air we share, through our existence...

it doesnt bother me to share, in any way, the experience, strength, and hope i have found through recovery by tellin what it was like, what happened, and what its like today. it is how others, who came into the rooms before me, helped me to find a new way of understandin and life. through...

sometimes i get to thinkin i dont deserve what recovery offers me. these times come when i begin to let feelins of guilt, self-pity, and loneliness block the communication i have with my HP. i have learned through recovery to not let my contact with Him be broken for too long a period. it is...

CHAPTER ONE Sigh! Welcome to my journey and struggle with the biggest demon one could ever hope to not get, addiction. This book isn't solely about alcohol addiction but any addiction. I plan on starting at about age 14 and ending at age 44. This has been a very long road that has taken me...

while i was out doin my dirt i couldnt ever feel included in anythin. i had kept myself a loner because of the fear i had of others makin fun of me. i had been hurt by the opinions of others in my youth and in an effort to keep those emotions that caused the...

i have been offered a blessin in my personal program of recovery in that there have been many whove come before me takin the time to solidify and hammer out the unity i need within the fellowship of recovery. it is because of their experience i get to use their wisdom to better grow my...

as i live my recovery in the way that works best for me, i get to live to see each promise within the big book materialize within my life. and though i may not work or live my personal program of recovery as any other, the results i receive from the work put into it...


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