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i have been offered a blessin in my personal program of recovery in that there have been many whove come before me takin the time to solidify and hammer out the unity i need within the fellowship of recovery. it is because of their experience i get to use their wisdom to better grow my...

as i live my recovery in the way that works best for me, i get to live to see each promise within the big book materialize within my life. and though i may not work or live my personal program of recovery as any other, the results i receive from the work put into it...

through personal inventory i have been able to gain a level of humility that has allowed me to see that i am not right all the time so that i may persevere daily. i have learned that i am not the only person in a room full of people. learnin the emotional, psychological, & spiritual...

i cannot try to block out all that is bad within me nor all that is good. when takin that deep dive into personal inventory i need to be able to recognize and identify each character flaw or asset that is bein affected within when searchin solutions to solve the problems that arise in my...

i cannot say that i had any confusion as to who or what God was in the days of doin my dirt, i had been taught religion in my childhood. what i can say is that after the religious teachins learned at sunday school and other church functions, as i grew older, i developed a...

though there may have been a time when i questioned if i were an alcoholic, today i understand that i am. through honest personal inventory i have become armed with the facts about myself and have surrendered and accepted that i am powerless and my life, though still at times may be unmanageable when i...

when i am open-minded, i get to discover new ways to open frontiers within that break down walls creatin new boundaries for me. i get the freedom to explore areas outside or inside of me that i may have blocked in the past. in an effort to gain the humility recovery offers me, i have...

i start each day with a couple of inspirational readins. 1 from the ‘daily reflection’ and 1 from the ‘hazelden 24hr thought for the day’. i choose what i perceive to be a couple of spiritual principles and pray askin God to help me live them in my day as i live forward tryin to...

spiritual maturity comes to me when i use what i have learned through personal inventory to make changes within that have positive, balanced, healthy affects in my action, behavior, and thinkin. when the realization of the changes ive made start to become who i am, feelin a deep debt of gratitude and a deep sense...


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