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it took the 4th step personal inventory and 5th step share with my sponsor to identify just how strangely insane i had been in protectin my alcoholism. some of the shit i did, today, seems comical, some is just downright tragic. the look into the insanity with my sponsor provided good, clear insight, as to...

“We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” The surrender we experience in Step One, coupled with the hope and belief we find in Step Two, make us ready and willing to continue on the path toward freedom in Narcotics Anonymous. In...

whose fault was it anyway??? really joel, really??? no matter how i may have affected others, they were to blame fer how they felt, or how they made me feel. not me, and when i just happen to see how i was the one who may have caused the harm/hurt, da whiskey jug was there...

as ive learned fear is an emotion that can affect me and have me doin shit that does not promote a peaceful aura or milieu on the outside or calmin condition within me. recovery has taught me actions to manage fear when it strikes me. its my decision to relish in it like i did...

In a world where the allure of instant gratification often overshadows the pursuit of true fulfillment, to me, sobriety stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. It's not merely about abstaining from alcohol or drugs; it's a personal and profound commitment to reclaiming one's life, one sober day at a time! Im finding that...

ive heard tale of, and have witnessed, people whove had long term sobriety and recovery, fer whatever reason, take that next first drink. some, few, have had the sudden blessin of an act of desperation and made it back to the rooms in time. some, have gone onto the bitter end. these are lessons i...

emotional sobriety started right here fer me, the courage buildin of step 4. goin through this process was not as easy a task as the simplicity of it sounded fer me. it meant i had to, without alcohol, look at myself, then deal with what i found within. learnin to manage the shit i found...

when i first came into the rooms i had alienated everyone around me who ever meant anythin to me. i aint tryina say there werent people there fer me if i truly wanted to change, all im sayin is they had to cut any ties with me fer peace of mind themselves. and me feelin...

if there was anythin pointed out to me to ask myself honestly what might make me an alcoholic, it is this specific paragraph on pg. 52. if i could answer these questions in relation to my alcoholism as honestly as i could, i could not escape a truthful answer based on the reality of my...

gainin an understandin of the self-centeredness i held so unwittingly dear to my heart, i learned through recovery how, it, almost alone, caused me so much trouble throughout my life. bein masticated by my alcoholism, blinded by its power over me, and livin an unmanageable life to suit my alcoholisms power over me, i could...


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