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in livin the principles, if i want to receive anythin from what recovery says they have to offer, i must get out of self, humblin myself so i may share my experience, my strengths, and my hopes. in this effort, bein as honest as i can, i must acknowledge my HP, admittin that my efforts...

i enjoy the fuck outta bein sober. i get to really live life today. even more so, the heightened awareness of self and the world around me, it brings. am i havin fun, fuck yeah i am! when i first came into the rooms and asked my sponsor to help me, i got to see...

When we came into the program of Narcotics Anonymous, we made a decision to turn our lives over to the care of a Higher Power. This surrender relieves the burden of the past and fear of the future. The gift of today is now in proper perspective. We accept and enjoy life as it is...

this mornins daily readin is a very sentimental remembrance of a friendship that ended with love an admiration. it reminds me how the relationships i have in my recovery are meaningful and wholesome. it shows me how two people in recovery can work their programs separately yet live them together. i can think of many...

i remember how i felt when i first came into the rooms. i was broken and defeated, and on guard to anything or anybody who may try to attack me. whether it may have been verbal or physical, i was wound tight and ready to fire back. i can say this with certainty, ive rarely...

the idea of stoppin, if only for a split second, before reactin to somethin is such a novel idea, and in the past, i didnt have the capacity to do it. my ego had been so built up by my false sense of pride that i had to say my piece. over the years of...

faith to me means that i try to carry within me a code of ethics or belief in somethin greater than i that can and will help me when i havent the strength or power to help myself. it is a standard of merit that i hold deep within and a sense of loyalty and...

goin through the processes of step 4, 5, and 8, i was able to see how the character defects & shortcomins i had, had warped my emotions and behaviors. even before those self-identifyin steps, i knew within how i felt and how those feelins had caused reactions to stimuli. but workin those steps with as...


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